about the platform
about our platform

mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen (formerly Bürger schaffen Wissen) is the central platform for citizen science in Germany. The platform presents, connects and supports citizen science projects since April 2014. The platform’s main goals are to give an overview of citizen science projects, to inform about the concept of citizen science and strengthen its visibility and acceptance, to further develop the citizen science landscape in Germany and internationally and to contribute to current debates on participatory science.
mit:forschen! is a joint project by Wissenschaft im Dialog and Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research since November 2013.
latest blog articles in English
our posters available in English

The poster "Which Citizen Science Type Are You?" is based on an exhibit for the science ship MS Wissenschaft that was developed by Bürger schaffen Wissen and ECSA in 2022. By answering simple questions, you can find out which topics and forms of participation interest you and which concrete citizen science projects suit you. The poster illustrates the diversity of citizen science and provides background information on the approach. There are also postcards for the seven different citizen science types, recommending suitable citizen science projects from the EU-citizen.science and Bürger schaffen Wissen platforms.
We are happy to provide the print file for the poster (A0) as well as postcards for your events. Please send a short request to: info@buergerschaffenwissen.de
GEWISS modular program (GEWISS-Bausteinprogramm)
From 2014 to 2016, a consortium of various institutions worked on building a modular program under the title BürGEr schaffen WISSen – Wissen schafft Bürger (GEWISS) (Citizens create knowledge - Knowledge creates citizens). The program discussed and further developed the implementation and strengthening of Citizen Science in Germany throughout various events and working groups. At the centre of attention was the development and publication of the Grünbuch (Green Paper) Citizen Science Strategy 2020 for Germany.